Lifestyle Archive

Keeping in Touch With Old Friends

Keeping in touch with old friends is important to keep the relationship alive and moving. According to a few online definitions of friends, friends can be considered your second family. There are things that you can share with your friends, …

An Introverts Guide to Parties

One of the most dreadful situations for the introverts are social gatherings such as parties and that is why it is important to refer to an introvert’s guide to parties in order to find out how one can survive a …

Knowing When To End A Friendship

Ending a friendship can be heartbreaking. While it is just normal to have disagreements with friends, to end a friendship is something very unnatural, and can be more emotional than ending a dating relationship. Most of us have thought of …

How to be More Friendly

When gaining friendships, it is important for a person to know how to become friendly with others in order to make connections with other people and hopefully, build everlasting friendships. However, there are certain things that a person has to …

How to Face Your Fears

Life is too short to let your fears get the best of you. A lot of individuals have had their fears limit their true potential as a person. Sadly, a lot of those individuals also have problems with their lifestyles …

How to Talk to Strangers

A good way of improving your communication skills is to practice talking to strangers in a casual way. Though it has been said so many times that talking to strangers may seem to be a dangerous thing to do, the …

Things to Talk About With A Girl

Every guy on this earth knows that getting to know women and potentially getting them to like you back starts with a great conversation. If you’re someone who doesn’t know how to captivate a girl with a great conversation then …

Text Conversation Starters

Texting is one of the most popular forms of communication nowadays. In the modern days, courtship and relationships treat texting as an important factor in keeping a relationship alive. The same thing goes with getting to know a person. It …

I Need A Friend

It has been said that “No man is an island” therefore it is very important to have friends that you can run to in times of problems, and to laugh with. Friends can be considered as your second family. People …

6 Degrees Of Separation Between You And The Whole World

Social networking has been defined as the interaction between individuals or organizations within a social structure. Within an online social network, individuals or organizations which can either be casual acquaintances or closely related by blood can easily interact through messaging, blogs, picture sharing, chain mails, …

How to be Confident

Everyone wants to be more confident, but knowing how to be confident is not as easy as it sounds. Learning how to be confident is your first step towards becoming more social, improving your lifestyle and also can help you …

Best Places For Seniors To Socialize

For older men and women, it’s difficult to know where the best places for seniors to socialize are in their community. This can lead to a solitary lifestyle and can be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. However, knowing where …

The Extravert

If you want to become less introverted, you first have to understand what makes an extravert (extravert or extrovert). How would we define the extravert? The extravert is a very outward person who thrives in social situations. They not only …

Extravert or Extrovert

Ok, so this probably isn’t a major concern to a lot of you, but it’s something that bugged me when I was researching and reading articles to help my own social awkwardness. Is it extravert or extrovert? Just there I …

What is Shyness?

To overcome you lack of social skills you first have to answer some pretty fundamental questions. What is shyness? How can you become less shy without first understanding what shyness is? I don’t feel comfortable speaking to people. When in …